Friday, December 5, 2008

Pedialyte Review

Pedialyte is yucky. It is too sweet. That being said, it is also a wonderful product if you can manage to swallow it. Sweet little Baby Boo was sick with a stomach bug this week. I bought him Pedialyte. He did not want to drink it. When I tasted it I found out why. All of the fake sweeteners in it make it feel like you are drinking concentrated liquified sugar. Anyone who knows me knows how strong of a sweet tooth I have. So this stuff must be awfully sweet.

I watered it down. Alex drank a bit more of it. Fortunately he recovered. Unfortunately he passed his illness onto me. I still had some of the drink left and figured why not have some for myself? I watered it down a lot. The next morning I felt great. So, my personal recommendation is this - buy the stuff, water it down, and drink drink drink (which we should do anyway...). They tell you not to water it down, but if that's the only way to get it into a sick child, why not???

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