Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas Lights
Friday, December 5, 2008
Pedialyte Review
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Rest in Peace Pandora
By Saturday she had difficulty moving around as her hind legs started to lose their ability to function. A typical cat, she loved to be where she could be tripped over. As the kitchen is the heart of our home, that was her favorite room in the house. One of her particular spots was on the mat in front of the door. Unable to get out of the way of the door, I gently placed her on a folded towel for some comfort and put her next to the door. I did what I could to make her comfortable. And by Monday night she had passed into whatever world our dear kitties move onto after this one.
Her death was not unexpected. We adopted her from a shelter a year and a half ago. She had been placed in our local PetsMart and we saw her often when we went to buy supplies for the critters we already had. Pandora remained there for quite some time awaiting a family. I began to fear no one would take her because she was elderly and so many people want kittens. Finally Craig and I filled out the paperwork. When we went to pick her up about a week later, we found out she had been adopted and returned several times already. The poor girl!
Given that she was already fourteen or so years old (The paperwork had different ages for her.) I figured she wouldn't be with us more than a couple of more years. I believe that shelter life ages cats faster than life in a loving home. But at least it gives the animals a chance at a loving home. (I am taking a moment to get on my soap box here...) So if you want a pet, please don't purchase one from a store. Go to a local shelter or check the paper for a family giving one away. Pandora was one of many animals I have adopted and I have been happy with each of these pets.
We brought her home where she hid under the sofa for two weeks, only emerging very briefly to use the litter box or get a drink. After this she became accustomed to us and then became very friendly with her new family. We fed her. We snuggled with her. She made her way into our hearts. Though we only had a year and a half with her, she will remain in our memories forever.
We will miss you, Pandora. Rest in Peace.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Battling Perfectionism
Open Letter to President Elect Obama
Congratulations on winning the election. I will be proud to call you my president. There are many things you will be asked to do and for many good reasons by many good people. I would like to add my request to that list.
The situation in the Guantanamo Bay Prison increasingly worries me. I encourage you to keep your campaign promise to get those prisoners trials here in our court system. Recently I heard a news commentator speaking of the fear of some people in the government have about the torture stories that will come out should you allow these people to have their due process under the law. Those tales of torture have become the proverbial elephant in the room. Most of the world is aware of what is going on there, but no one has thus far been willing to acknowledge it.
If we are to heal the rifts in our nation and the rifts between us and the rest of the world, we need to be honest with ourselves and everyone else. We need to acknowledge whatever wrongs have been done to our fellow humans imprisoned in Guantanamo. We need to apologize to those people, their families, and their nations of origin. We need to apologize as a nation.
It does not matter who voiced the orders or who looked away when wrong was being done when we make our apology. (The particular people responsible for unethical decisions ought also to be dealt with but that is not what this letter is about.) We who have had the right to vote into office our elected officials who then hired the rest of the government employees are all to blame. It does not matter if you voted for the administrators directly involved or not. We are a republic with democratically elected people in power. Most of us decided to put them there and that is all that matters.
I am guessing that some of those people truly are criminals that ought to be imprisoned somewhere, but they are also people who deserve the rights we as a nation set forth in our Constitution. To me, it does not matter if a person is a citizen of the U.S. or not. If you are a person, you have certain inalienable rights that we of all nations should respect. One of those rights is the right to a fair and speedy trial. Those souls we have imprisoned in Guantanamo and possibly in other locations have yet to be granted that right. I am holding out hope that you will do all in your power to change that situation.
Meghan Hamilton
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Blessing my Back
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Size Matters - bath size that is...
As you can see in the picture below, he is eating pancakes. Anyone who has spent time around a child knows that this is a recipe for a big mess. I worried about the ensuing bath, but you can see above that he actually enjoys it now! Splishy Splashy!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Candy Corn
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I love the Internet!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Where are the cute baby boy clothes?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Don't vacuum the kitty
When I searched the Internet for stories on the subject, they were by and large about cats being afraid of the vacuum. Or I could watch videos of cats in fear of the noisy electronic beasts. I found one article that claims most cats will grow accustomed to the sound. The three kitties in my life never did. The one I have now is pretty old, so I doubt she'll change anytime soon.
At least they aren't afraid of the vacuum cleaner. But they are in fact afraid of some of the fish they live with.
By all rights, the turtles should be terrorizing the fish. After all they eat fish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don't worry pet specialists - they eat their veggies too! (Here I go talking about food again...) Of course, these fish are too big to fit in the turtles' mouths, but seriously. Why are they letting a little fishy boss them around?
Then there are the salamanders. They aren't afraid of anything except their owners. They don't do much either. I don't know if they are males or females or one of each, so they are called Sampson and Delilah. Each of them is about ten inches long. I have never been able to get an exact measurment as they squiggle too much when I try to handle them. I think they would like very much if we vacuumed up the kitty. For kitties love to catch and eat critters such as salamanders!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Another food essay...
We all sat down at the dinner table, gave thanks to God, then passed the food around. Then I spied it. The platter of baked sweet potatoes. What was I to do? I knew that I hated them. My parents had a long standing policy of "You have to try it at least once before you decide you don't like it." I had tried sweet potatoes several times. They were disgusting. I had never managed to eat more than a bite or two. Potatoes are supposed to be white and mashed and buttered and salted and hopefully covered in gravy. Another policy instituted by my parents stated that when you are over someone else's house, you eat what they serve you and don't tell them that you don't like it. You simply eat it without saying anything and then thank them for the meal.
Bracing myself, I took the smallest of the potatoes, which was not exactly small. I buttered it. I salted it. I did what I could to make the thing more palatable. I choked it down. Really. I gagged as each bite went down my throat. I made it through dinner and was rewarded with some sort of dessert. I even liked the rest of the meal. But who knows what it was. I had bravely eaten a sweet potato and survived and that was all that mattered.
In the years since that evening, I have tried sweet potatoes again and again, hoping my tastes have changed. After all they are nutritious. They are what my baby loves to eat. They make my husband happy. I want to like them. What to do?
Aha! Tonight I dutifully pealed and cut up a medium sized sweet potato. Then I added several white potatoes to the pot and boiled them up. After mashing and pouring gravy and adding in some broccoli, I found I could eat it. Success!
Friday, October 24, 2008
The more you eat the more you toot!
The more you toot the better you feel,
So, eat some beans at every meal!
When I was in elementary school we loved to chant that. Now I actually love to eat beans. Not because they make me toot, but because they can be pretty delicious. (I know, another post about food...) When I was a little girl I thought that beans meant chili and I hated them. Then I was a somewhat bigger girl when someone introduced me to Boston Baked Beans. I hated those even more than the beans in the chili.
Then I went to the Dominican Republic with a church group shortly after graduating from high school to help build a hospital, I fell in love with beans. One night our hosts served us a "native meal" that included the most delicious beans that I have tasted in my entire life. They were black, firm, and seasoned to perfection. Never again have I tasted them quite so good. That has not stopped me from trying to experience once more that sort of bean nirvana.
That has led me to all kinds of ways to cook them. There is the southwestern chili in a tomato sauce with some sort of chili powder. There is Indian style with Cumin as the base flavor. There is Italian style with the same seasonings you might find in spaghetti sauce. I have even used them in place of meat balls in my spaghetti sauce. I have discovered the endless possibilities.
I have also discovered that I prefer preparing dried beans rather than using the canned ones unless I'm making a bean dip. They are have a firmer feel in my mouth that I enjoy much more than the mushy feel from the canned versions. So I spend several days trying to remember to put them into a bowl of water to soak. Then when they have plumped up in the water they get a rinse in the sink and off to the slow-cooker! That's when the real fun begins. I pour in plenty of water for them to cook in. Then come the spices! I pick an area of the world that I would like to explore and hit the spice cabinet. A few hours later I am in bean nirvana.
Spooned over rice or noodles, they fill me up with a wonderful warm feeling. A nice hot cooked meal to enjoy with my family. Yum!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Homemade Baby Food is Fun?
Well, when the time came to start the little dear on solid food, those pre-made jars and containers in the grocery store suddenly seemed to sparkle like precious jewels. Being a bit of a magpie, I bought them. I told myself it was for research purposes. I needed to know how finely to puree the food at home and what sorts of foods are appropriate for my bundle of joy. Yeah right. I truly enjoyed taking the easy road. After all, you have only to open the container and start shoveling it into the baby's mouth.
My food processor remained on it's shelf glaring at me every time I looked at it. It knew very well that I am capable of boiling some veggies and pureeing them into oblivion. My mother in law passed on the hand operated food mill she had when my husband was a baby. Obviously she wanted me to save money and make the food myself. Not only did my electric processor accuse me of not doing things the right way, but now the food mill glared just as hard.
I've always been good at ignoring people who are telling me what to do. So I set it aside and continued to buy baby food off the grocery store shelves. I filled precious cupboard space with the little squares of easiness and lived happily. Sort of.
My beloved husband's grasp on reality is, shall we say, tenuous. He has struggled with mental illness for the last ten years. He does admirably well. But the past couple of years have not been especially easy for him. He has not been able to work steadily for a while now. When we found out I was pregnant, we thought, well, okay, he'll be a stay at home Dad. That might actually help him out. The baby will most likely be on some sort of schedule and schedules are great for my husband. Caring for the baby would give him a sense of accomplishment. Yes it would be hard, but he's a strong person. He's a loving person. He can do this.
He fell off his rocker and kicked it to the other side of the room. It was too much for him. So I quit my job with the great insurance and something approaching a decent wage to be at home with my family.
We could not afford commercial baby food any more. The food grinder squealed with joy. The food processor jumped off of the shelf and onto the counter. My pots simmered with anticipation of cooking large quantities of food for my family. All of the appliances had a little party. I went to work cooking and pureeing. The baby screamed in abject fear at the sound the food processor made. I have never before seen anyone so terrified. The pureeing would have to be done with him in absentia. No making small batches that he can eat in one or two sittings. No grinding up a portion of our dinner for him so that I could make one meal instead of two.
Now I spend the hours between ten o'clock and midnight (It's safe to say that we're night owls.) boiling up sweet potatoes and vegetables then setting the food processor in motion while the little dear sleeps blissfully unaware of the noise in another part of the house. As this is the time I would like to take for myself, I've decided to make great big batches of the stuff and freeze it so that I do not have to spend every night doing this.
This evening, my husband wandered into the kitchen as I poured puree into ice cube trays. He laughed in delight. "That's wonderful!" he exclaimed. "You're the kind of wife I always wanted!" Sincere flattery goes pretty far with me. He earlier in the evening told me the roast chicken I had made was the best chicken he'd ever had in his whole life. Go me!
I digress. As I poured the goop into ice cube trays, I thought, "This is actually pretty fun." I enjoyed it so much that I made an extra batch of peas for the little guy. Who knew I would love making my own baby food so much?